Welcome to the 16+ area
Here you will find short articles, top tips from other young people and useful info!
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Aidan’s Corner – Health and Wellbeing – Christmas Wellbeing
This week I want to focus on Christmas wellbeing and ways to keep yourself healthy.

Aidan’s Corner – Health and Wellbeing – Winter
Hey Everyone! Here is my fully updated health and Wellbeing document on winter I hope

Are you worried about a young person?
If you are worried someone is thinking about suicide… What to look out for… How

Aidan’s Corner – Health and Wellbeing – Outdoors and why it is important to go outside
Hey Everyone for this week's health and Wellbeing I have decided to cover mental health

Health and Wellbeing- Mental health
Hey Everyone for this week's health and Wellbeing I have decided to cover mental health

Aidan’s Corner – Health and Wellbeing – sports
Hey Everyone! In this week's health and wellbeing I will cover sports and why it

Aidan’s Corner- Health and Wellbeing – Self Positive Talk
Hey Everyone! In this Health and Wellbeing post I cover positive self-talk in order to

Aidan’s Corner – Health and Wellbeing – procrastination
Hello Everyone, In this Health and Wellbeing post I want to discuss ways to stop

Aidan’s Corner- Health and Wellbeing – Walking in Nature
Hello Everyone, This is my Health and Wellbeing on nature and why it is good

Aidan’s Corner – relaxing places
This is my Health and Wellbeing document on finding your own relaxing place and some

Aidan’s Corner – Health and Wellbeing – relaxation
Relaxation is very important in the workplace in order to stop yourself from panicking or

Aidan’s Corner – Evergreen Active Blog
Hello I am Aidan and here is my blog about when I met Evergreen Active.

Aidan’s Corner – managing anxious feelings
There are many situations that can make us anxious- check out some top tips here

Mental Health Awareness Week (15-21 May)
To help raise awareness of anxiety and share ways we can all help manage feelings

Wakefield LitFest
Are you a talented and creative young individual looking to showcase your literary skills?

Youth Spark Ambassadors
Are you creative? Do you enjoy culture and creativity? Would you like to help other

Healthy Relationships Challenge- WSCP
We teamed up with Wakefield Safeguarding Children's Partnership to create a Weekly Challenge to promote

Drink Spiking
There are currently increasing concerns regarding the number of people who are having their drinks

What is a healthy relationship?
A healthy relationship is when two people develop a connection based on mutual respect, trust,

Wakefield Discovery College
At the Wakefield Discovery College we have lots of opportunities that will help you to

Transition to University Guide
Starting university is an exciting time in our lives but it can prompt feelings of

Aidan’s Corner- Safe Places Poem
Young People Community Champions at YLC recently wrote a poem about their Safe Places

What is a relationship?
Throughout our lives, we encounter many different relationships with different people...

Aidan’s Corner- Introduction
My volunteer job role at Young Lives is Community Champion coordinator...