All families are different, big or small; the chances are there is going to be conflicts and fall outs. The reasons for these are endless.
What are some examples of why families fall out?
- Not enough space, having to share rooms
- Feeling you're being left out
- People borrowing clothes/possession without asking
- Not sharing the family laptops or devices
- Who used the last of something such as milk, toothpaste, and toilet roll!
Family arguments cause worry for everyone in the house. This is true whether or not they are involved.
Most of these can be sorted out with a little understanding and compromise even if it doesn’t feel like that at the time.
Tips to avoid falling out
- Always ask before you take something that doesn’t belong to you
- Think about the other person, what sort of day have they had
- Give each other space
- Limit time on devices
- Find things you like to do together
- Let someone know if items are running low
Tips for spending quality time together to avoid falling out
- Go for a walk and see if you can spot different things. For example, the changing season, people are doing all sorts of creative things and creating displays in their windows. What can you spot?
- Have a go at cooking and eating together (Check out this link to some cooking ideas)
- Play a game, get creative together, listen to music together. (Take a look at our self-help tips)
Time to yourself
What do you enjoy taking time to do things you enjoy? Or try something new to do: Drawing, listening to music, playing a game, going for a walk.. whatever works for you! We have loads of clubs and activities in our area, many have online offers that you can get involved with during the lockdown. Locally there are also many clubs including: Football clubs, dance studios, rugby clubs and Junior Cadet clubs.
It’s always worth trying something new. It can be hard living with a family, so spending time apart doing activities we enjoy gives us time to develop new skills that could be helpful in resolving our arguments at home.
The Local Offer Provides information and support available for families with children and young people ages 0-25 years with special educational needs and/or disabilities.