Water Safety
It may look fun to swim in open waters such as lakes, rivers or canals, but there are lots of dangers associated with them, which are often hidden.
Even on hot days, water stays cold and can cause cold water shock- which is a key reason why people drown, and there may also be debris in the bottom of the water that can get caught around your legs. The water is often very unclean which can cause people to get infections or diseases.
Check out some Water Safety links at the bottom of the page for more information, click here to view.
Water Safety posters [click to enlarge]

Bike Safety
Riding a bike is a fun way to get some exercise and get where you need to be. Read some of our top tips below to get up to speed on cycling safety!

Staying Safe Whilst Out and About
Going out with friends or to events is an important part of having a social life. However, it is important to plan ahead to make sure that you are keeping yourself safe. We've put together some top tips to help you stay safe whilst you're out and about.

In the UK, if you're under 18, it is against the law:
- For someone to sell you alcohol
- To buy/ try to buy alcohol
- For an adult to buy/ try to buy alcohol for you
- To drink alcohol in places like a pub/ restaurant etc (with a few limited exceptions for 16- and 17-year-olds- find out more about the law on 16 and 17 year olds on the Drinkaware website)

Personal Safety- Your Body
Always remember that your body belongs to you.
If someone touches you in a private place, it is important that you tell a trusted adult or contact Childline. You can contact Childline by phone (0800 1111), email, text or via the online message board.
They have a special page which is full of information about contacting Childline, explaining the process.
Click here to view the page.

Staying Safe Online
Click here to visit the Staying Safe Online page on WF-I-Can
For more information and useful links.

Safety Centre If you are worried about online sexual abuse or the way someone has been communicating with you online please go here for further advice and support.