Young Lives Safeguarding Policy
Social Care Direct: 0345 8 503 503
NSPCC Helpline: 0808 800 5000
CAMHS SPA and REACH team (crisis team)
You can contact the REACH team between 9am – 8pm, seven days a week.
To refer or get in touch with the team, please contact Single Point of Access (SPA) Wakefield on 01977 735865
Growing Healthy 0-19 Wakefield HDFT Childrens Health Service /strong>
Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm, on 01924 310130
Wakefield Youth Hubs/strong> –advice or support filling in a MARF
Richard Carr 07899 065 891 – Pontefract/Knottingley
Gareth Hamlett 079202 12986 – Central/South West
Mary Harper 079202 12981 – Normanton/South East
Police Safeguarding Unit
NB If a criminal offence has occurred contact police via 101 or 999 as appropriate.
Sexual Health/ Emergency Contraception
Spectrum Community Health CIC- 01924 846628
Drugs and Alcohol
CLG- 0808 169 8711
Turning Point Alcohol & Drug Service- 01924 211113
Domestic Violence
*If in immediate danger call 999
At other times, call Childline- 0800 1111
Mental Health/Wellbeing (Wakefield Service list on Staff Guidance)
CAMHS- 01977 735865
Samaritans 116 123 or Text SHOUT to 85258
Debriefing at the end of Drop in and Chat sessions:
Emily Castle: 07835817480
Provides Free, safe and anonymous online support for young people.
Council homeless Single point of access team
01924 304359
Emergency Live Chat Support for WF I CAN