It’s definitely NOT easy being young! Sometimes it’s tough to avoid feeling worried, and pressure can build up.
Some of the things we might be worried about are; friends and family, how we look, not having the things other people have, feeling different and our health.

Managing feelings during the coronavirus outbreak
Things have been very different over the past few years, with various lockdowns/ restrictions and things we have to do to help protect ourselves and others. So it’s completely normal to feel sad, confused and worried about the impact on our own and families mental health.

Factors that have a huge impact on how we feel
- Having a long-term physical illness
- Having a parent who has had mental health problems, problems with alcohol or has been in trouble with the law
- Experiencing the death of someone close to them (especially by suicide)
- Parents who have separated or divorced (loss)
- Been bullied or physically or sexually abused
- Living in severe poverty or being homeless
- Experience discrimination: due to race, sexuality or disability
- A young carer
- Having problems with school or exclusions
- Experience of living in care

Things that improve how we feel
- Accepting who we are and recognising our strengths
- Being in good health, having a balanced diet and getting regular exercise
- Being able to have fun, indoors and outdoors
- Being part of a family, that gets along (most of the time)
- Going to a school /college that cares about its students
- Taking part in local activities or groups
- Feeling loved, trusted, valued and safe
- Having opportunities to learn & succeed
- Having aspirations and goals for the future
- Feeling valued

Starting difficult conversations
If you can, be clear and ask for help straight out or tell someone how you are feeling, that always works best, but it isn't always easy. Here are a few ideas to help start the conversation...there’s no right or wrong way, give it a go!
- I don’t know how to deal with my feelings
- I want to tell you something but don’t know how to start
- I need some advice on something. Can you help me?
- How do I cope in the future?
- I’m really struggling at the moment, I need help

Childline Get help and advice about a wide range of issues, call us on 0800 1111, talk to a counsellor online, send Childline an email or post on the message boards.

Night OWLS
Confidential support line for children, young people, and parents/ carers. Available 8pm–8am every day.
Freephone 0800 1488 244
Text: 07984 376950
Click here to find our more or to go to the Night OWLS online messenger.

Youth Hub - Wakefield Families Together website hosts information from across the Wakefield Districts Youth Services.

Compass Wakefield
Helps children, young people and families facing low mood, friendship problems, bullying, online bullying or feeling angry, lonely or sad before things get worse. Text BUZZ to 85258 for text messaging support, call 01924 665 093 or send off a referral form

Better Health, Healthier Families to help your family be healthier and happier by eating well and moving more

Children and Adolescents Mental Health Service (CAMHS) and REACH Team Tel: 01977 735865

Shout is the UK's first 24/7 text service, free on all major mobile networks, for anyone in crisis anytime, anywhere. It's a place to go if you're struggling to cope.
School Nurses offer health advice
Speak to your school nurse or call them Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm, on 01924 310130