YOUNG CARERS APP – We want your feedback & thoughts!
Posted to the Noticeboard on April 9, 2021
A message from Young Carers Wakefield District:
Both the apple and android version of the Young Carers Support App is now live.
The free Young Carers Support App launched 16 March on Young Carers Action Day 2021. This first version is a collaboration between young carers, the West Yorkshire & Harrogate Partnership and Dr Knut Shroeder.
We are keen to gather feedback and hear the view of young carers. The feedback will inform and enable us to co-produce the final versions to be launched in May.
You can access the App here:
Alternatively you can search in the App store by typing Young Carers Support App (produced by Expert Self Care Ltd).
We would love to hear what young carers think and the team behind the app are happy to make changes to the content where needed.
The app development team would like to thank you for all your help and support in helping them to review the app. I hope that young carers will find this a useful resource!
Please send your comments and feedback to before April 16th.