Try these activities!


My well-being guide

  • Draw around your hand
  • Write one of these Give, Keep Learning, Be Active, Take Notice, and Connect in each of the fingers and thumb.
  • Think about examples of things you already do, that would fit into each of the areas (give, keep learning, take notice, be active, connect). 
  • Write or draw the examples above the finger / thumb you think it belongs to.

If you don’t think you are already doing something that would fit, now is the time to set yourself some small goals for each area!


Make your own self-care box

Take at least 30 minutes every day and choose something out of your self care box to do. You can use all or some of the list below or make it full of your favourite things.

Download the Build Your Own Self-Care Box Guide


Daily To-Do activity!

  • Write yourself a positive message to encourage yourself to achieve a goal. Such as; be more active as you want to join a sports club, learn to knit as you want to make and donate things to a local charity - anything you want to do or achieve in the future). Put it where you will see it every single day!

  • At the end of each day, take a moment and list one good thing in your life, put it in a jar.
    Allow yourself to dream big.

  • Enjoy nature! Hug a tree, smell the flowers or even do a ladybird count

  • Allow yourself to make mistakes. Because this is the best way to learn and not do them again.

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