A few changes to your routine over 24 hours can significantly improve your health and wellbeing.


The importance of sleep!

At this difficult time, it is more important than ever to sleep well. Our immune system (our bodies natural defence system that fights viruses and germs) doesn’t work so well if we don’t get a good nights sleep. Emotionally we may feel more worried or have a short fuse and lose our tempers more. 

Try out helpful sleep practices (see our top tips below) and get your sleep patterns back on track.  Why not read through our sleep advice and set yourself some challenges for the following weeks to improve your sleep and experience the great benefits of sleeping well every night!

If we get a good night’s sleep we feel so much better both physically and emotionally


Why can't I sleep?

Sleep difficulties are very common amongst children, young people and adults too. All sorts of factors can impact on our sleep such as

  • General worries about friendships, family relationships, school work or the future
  • Not getting enough time exercising or being outdoors
  • Certain foods and drinks; such as coffee, energy drinks or a big supper
  • Our bedroom environment; it might be too noisy, too warm, too light, and most commonly – use of devices (playstation, IPAD, phones, laptop) has a big influence on our night time sleep. 
  • Time on devices close to bedtime can often stop us from falling off to sleep and getting a good night’s sleep. The light from the screens affect how much melatonin our brain creates. Melatonin tells your body it’s time to sleep.


Benefits of getting enough sleep!

I can...

  • Concentrate better
  • Make good choices
  • Solve problems easier
  • Feel calmer and happier
  • Be more creative and come up with new ideas
  • Get along with friends and family better

Here are a few ways to get you started!



Top Sleep Tips!

  • Try to run around and play 3 hours before bed time
  • Spend some time outside after school
  • Don’t have lots of food before bedtime (try a glass of milk or light snack)
  • Do not drink fizzy drinks, energy drinks or coffee after lunchtime, but drink plenty of water
  • Try to set a time to go to bed every night, so your body gets use to going to sleep then
  • Turn off all devices one hour before going to bed
  • Read a book or listen to calm music before you go to sleep
  • Turn the light off (give it a try) and close the curtains. If it’s still too light ask your parent/carer if they can help make it darker
  • Keep the room cool (opening a window a little bit might help)

How much do you know about sleep? Take the Sleep Quiz!

Click here to download the WF-I-Can Sleep Tracker!

Still Struggling?

Then why not join a free session.

Contact the college to enrol, 


or call 01924 316946


More information about sleep