Need a Chat?

WF-I-CAN offers a 'drop in and chat' to anyone between the age of 7 and 19 years old where you can chat online with one of our youth workers. This is not a counselling service. Note that our chat facility is coming soon. 

If you need to speak to someone urgently or have a medical emergency, see our links here


So if something is worrying you or you want to share some good news, then connect with us.

Please note this ‘drop-in and chat’ is not a counselling service.

But we are here to listen and signpost you to support if needed, as well as tell you about activities to try at home to help you cope with the current lockdown.


Will you tell anyone I’ve text?

We do not contact parents or anyone else if you text us unless we are worried about your safety or someone else’s, and we would usually speak with you first.

How long will the chat last?

Each chat will usually last 20 minutes as there may be other young people waiting. But you are welcome to text back another day as we’d love to hear how you are doing.


When will the 'drop in and chat' service be available?

We are online Monday – Friday (1pm – 5pm and 7pm - 9pm)
Weekends (2 hours but yet to be agreed)

Messages will not be seen outside these hours.

To be informed when our 'drop in and chat' service goes live, please enter your email address:

* This service uses MailChimp and requires you to confirm your email address. You can opt out at any time.


How does it work?

The Children’s Act states we have to make sure all children and young people are safe. If we are worried about your safety we will ask your name, where you are and a telephone or email addressTo make sure that's OK with you, before you start the chat you will need to tick a box agreeing to give us permission to ask for - and keep - this information.

In line with Public Health we also need to make sure that you can find help easily from a source you can trust. By providing early intervention information we aim to protect and improve children and young people’s emotional well-being and reduce inequalities.


Our services

Some of our services are intentionally targeted at children age 13 years of age and younger as it has a separate platform and entry on WF-I-CAN. We only collect and maintain the data to use for monitoring for funders and safeguarding. This is in line with Government guidance;  

"For children under this age you need to get consent from whoever holds parental responsibility for the child - unless the online service you offer is a preventive or counselling service."

From the ICO guide; The UK’s independent authority set up to uphold information rights in the public interest promoting openness by public bodies and data privacy for individuals.

If you need to speak to someone urgently visit,

Text SHOUT 85258 (24/7) or ring the Samaritans 116 123 (24/7)

In a medical emergency ring your own GP, NHS 111, dial 999 or go to A&E

If you are having a mental health crisis you can contact the children and adolescent mental health service (CAMHS) on 01977 735865.